I really like coffee.Step 2: Set up your scene

The scene is what you present to viewers. At minimum, you should have a webcam view of yourself and a view of the screen your game is playing on. The scene is comprised of sources. There is a large variety of sources that can be added, experiment to find what works for you.
In the sources section of OBS click the "+" button. Add button in sources
In the following drop down menu, click "Video Capture Device". In the popup window, in the create new field, rename the source to webcam. Drop down menu video capure device Renaming video capture device to webcam
Select the Windows device name for your webcam in this case "Logi C270 HD WebCam". Your webcam device name will likely be different but it should be detected by OBS and be selectable here. Select your webcam device name
In the scene view window, sources can be resized by dragging from the corners or moved by dragging from the middle. Resize and move sources in the scene
Sources can be toggled on or off in the scene view by clicking the eye icon. Click eye icon to hide/show sources

Repeat the above steps to add another source but choose "Display Capture" instead of "Video Capture Device" and choose your monitor as the display. Size the display capture source to take the whole scene space.

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